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Learning is fun!

As the Easter school holidays are approaching, I am wondering what the little, big man can do to occupy his time rather than being a zombie on his tablet and watching television. Luckily, for some of the time he will be in competition with his classmates on a computer programme which helps with all the subjects in secondary school. Although, he is on the computer a lot, he is learning lots of new things- several of them that I can remember disliking at school. Luckily, he is not asking me for any help, as he wouldn’t get very far. Life at school is hard for many children and the more interactive and fun it is, the more they will take the new knowledge in and in turn can help with their confidence. Whether they will need a lot of it in the big wide world is debatable, but for now, he is having fun and learning. Who am I to stop that? I will limit the amount of time he is on the computer, otherwise, he will look like a zombie.



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