This time last year England was coming out of the second lockdown and people were preparing for Christmas – putting up the tree, buying presents and deciding who to celebrate the time with. There have been many friends that I hadn’t been able to physically see due to the pandemic and the last time I saw them was 2019. I recently found out that a friend had died in their sleep at a tender age of 46, leaving behind a husband and three children. Her energy, love, kindness and friendship is going to be deeply missed by many. She had helped me out on several occasions and I visited her many times in her home above the pub she ran. I will miss her dearly.
This year was/is a time to catch up with friendships that have been left behind in 2019 and I hope that there is not a repeat of December 2020 – Christmas is cancelled. This time of the year usually means spending time with family and taking the time to catch up with old friends – I hope that you are able to do both. Enjoy your family and friends as much as you can, as, time goes very quickly and lots of things happen in a short space of time.